Author Guidelines
All submitted papers should be orginal and report previously unpublished research results. Papers submitted to the conference must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should follow the style of the conference and are subject to both review and editing. The conference committee reserves the right to publish any paper presented in the conference.
Authors are requested to submit full-text papers (.doc or .docx) including results, tables, figures and references through electronic submission systems which can be found here. The papers should be submitted according to the prescribed format. Authors should use standard A4 paper size for the submission. The text of the paper should be prepared in 12pt type in Times New Roman font. The text should be double spaced. Standard paper length is 20 pages and no author may exceed 25 pages(including the abstract, figures, tables and references). For formatting reference please find a template here .
Submission Method
Please sign up to the conference website and log in to the On-line submission system to submit your paper ( .doc or docx). Click here for sign up . For any query about the submission and conference, please feel free to contact at
Two outstanding papers and two cases will be awarded by the conference committee. The award includes a certificate and cash prize as under:
1st Papers: US $800 or equivalent amount
1st Cases: US $500 or equivalent amount
Publication of Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published by the conference committee. The committee reserves the right to publish any selected paper in the specail edition of the Faculty of Business Studies Journal.
Publication of Articles in the Journal of Business Studies
The accepted papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Business studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and it will be a special conference edition of the Journal. The authors would need to submit the paper to the Editor, Journal of Business Studies. The papers would go through double blind peer review process in order to be considered for publication in the Journal.